Everything you need to know!
CBDs Part
CBD has the ability to interact with and bind to both types of receptors: the CB1 receptors commonly found in your brain and spine as well as the CB2 receptors throughout your body. This results in beneficial effects that can be distributed throughout your body. It has been shown CBD is useful in treating mental conditions like anxiety as well as physical ones like muscle spasms, pain, and inflammation all by inducing homeostasis throughout the body. CBD has the ability to bond to our receptors as well as the endocannabinoids that are naturally produced by the body, this has lead to researchers finding that CBD products can have wide-ranging therapeutic benefits for various health issues.
Endocannabinoid System
The endocannabinoid system was discovered in the 1990's and was actually named after the cannabis plant. The reason behind this was that endocannabinoids make up the majority of the system, and they bear a strong chemical resemblence to the cannabinoids that are found in hemp, marijuana, and other strains of cannabis. The unique system also differs from others in the body; while other systems that focus on specific functions within your body, such as your respiratory process, the goal of the ECS is homeostasis and increasing the functionality of all the other systems.
Cannabinoids are a group of very similar chemicals that are found in the cannabis plant. When cannabis is consumed by people and animals the cannabinoids are so similar to the chemicals found in the endocannabinoid system that it actually plays a large part in bringing the body to homeostasis. So far only around 10 have been identified and studied.
A good place to start is 1-2 mg per 10 pounds daily to maintain general wellness and then adjust from there. For more serious ailments use 5-10mg per 10 pounds.
It is very important to understand concentration in order to properly dose products like tinctures. The CBD amount on the label is typically an indication of the CBD content in the whole bottle; in order to dose properly you must calculate the amount in a drop or a dropper full. For example a 30ml tincture contains around 600 drops that are .05 ml in size or 1 ml per dropper full. If the total CBD content is 1,000 you divide that by the 600 drops or 30 ml to calculate the exact concentration.
As of December 2018 hemp was officially federally legalized, completely separating it from illegal marijuana by definition. The main difference from hemp and marijuana is that the THC content produced by hemp must be less than .3% to be legal. All of our products are 100% tested and All American Hemp Certified.